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The C.A. believes that our rights come from God and that our government was established to protect those rights from enemies, foreign and domestic. Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.  Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. Romans 13:1-2


Greater Berkeley, Charleston, and Dorchester areas are communities situated on the Atlantic coastal region of Charleston, South Carolina.  Worship and love of God, families, entrepreneurship, education, freedom, health and wellness, and recreation are all shared values of a civilized people.  Within these communities, we seek to establish peace among its constituents through healthy dialog relationships.  This can only be successfully done when the respect for our cultural differences is held to its highest regard.  If and when there are stark differences that cannot be resolved at a personal level; our court of laws with fair-minded judges and magistrates is where our concerns are mitigated—not by taking the laws in our own hands.


The C.A. believes that our worship facilities with their unique styles of worship, beliefs, and diversity should not pit any group against the other; but give deference to the rights of individuals to make choices as to what worship-style best suits their needs.  As it relates to the C.A., we welcome any organization to our Council that respects our core values and is willing to network for the purpose of empowering our community spiritually, morally, socially, and economically.


The family is the first order of government and the basic unit of every civil society; as the family goes, so does the society.  The C.A. seeks to empower the family through education, couples’ mentoring, financial stability, and strong moral values that come from the Bible.


Business and entrepreneurship are the fuel for a thriving economy. Integrity in business maintains the faith and trust of consumers who provide the finances for their desired products. The Charleston Assembly wishes to partner with businesses by steering our constituents in their direction. Each year billions of dollars flow through the greater Charleston community from thousands of corporations, churches, and sole proprietorships. Wealth has never been a problem with God, He gives us the power to gain wealth. It's the love of wealth (money) that creates our problem with God because people will do corrupt things to get it. Many leading biblical characters like Job, Abraham, David and Solomon were very wealthy men. However, to be blinded by wealth at the expense of ignoring the God of our wealth is not wise.


Please peruse our website to find the businesses that we highly recommend serving your needs. 

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