Charleston Assembly
Theme: Bringing "Unity" To Our City
The Charleston Assembly was organized to sustain, support, and promote local collaboration among the ecclesiastical, civic, business, and governmental community. Our goal is to have a united voice from the faith community that will speak into every facet of our society. The CA of the Greater Berkeley, Charleston, and Dorchester counties, South Carolina, will seek to provide a forum and mechanism for which the spiritual, business, governmental, and civic leaders can collectively provide input into the public sector, which expands the sphere of individual organizations. The Council will not seek to exalt itself as a political party, nor favor a particular party. Our goal is to speak with a single voice (oneness) in the community and assist in providing “Christ Centered” spiritual and moral assistance in the greater community. Our Gideon Men’s Gathering (aka Charleston Assembly) will connect, partner with, and highlight all community organizations that are rendering positive and necessary services to our communities. For too long, we have allowed politics, race, and denominationalism to keep us divided in our own cities. We will model Christ!

Events, Conferences and Announcments
As our commissioners and commissions/ministries are established, we will host regional conferences within the tri-county to (disciple) equip, train, and educate our constituents on how to become stronger in the areas of community relations, evangelism, family, education, finance & wealth-building, health & wellness etc. Gideon will host three primary gatherings annually in the Tri-County in February, June, and October. Within the very near future, Gideon Unity Council envision a fall gathering “Charleston Assembly” being held at a large venue. During this event there will be an open invitation to the governor of South Carolina as well as all our public officials in the greater Charleston area. We will offer prayer of petition to God for His choice blessing upon our nation, communities, churches, and families